Register & Protect Your Brand
Trademark registration is a critical early step for businesses to ensure they are investing in and developing a brand for the long-term. We offer trademark services at all stages of your growth.
Trademarks can be messy! Let us help.
Trademark Selection
We work with businesses and creative agencies to develop brand identity. As you brainstorm names and graphics for your business or offerings, we provide initial clearances so you can anticipate complications down the road. This high-level initial review can cull a list of 100 names down to 10, increasing your efficiency and focus.
Trademark Protection
Once you determine your preferred names and graphics, we will handle your state, federal, and international trademark applications from start to finish. Our flat-rate pricing includes a comprehensive clearance search to identify conflicting marks or similar uses, counseling on which good or services to claim and which classes to select, drafting your application to avoid errors and omissions which slow down the application process, and complete tracking of the application as it proceeds through the process of review. If issues arise as your application is handled, we work with you to strategize on the best path forward to maximize business success.
Existing Trademark Applications
Facing an issue with a current trademark application? We can step in and assist. Perhaps you self-filed and have now received and Office Action, or maybe you aren't happy with the responsiveness of your current counsel. We will discuss your pending application and let you know how we can best resolve any outstanding issues.
Trademark Portfolio Management
Once you have a trademark, you are responsible for proper marking, proper use in commerce, and proper maintenance of the mark in accordance with its respective deadlines. We will review your portfolio from top to bottom, identify issues with outstanding requirements or with mark assignment, and provide you with a comprehensive plan to maintain your hard-earned portfolio.
Trademark Monitoring
Having a registered trademark is an important step for your business, but maximizing its value is equal important. We will monitor the United States Trademark Office for similar applications, as well as keep an eye out for public uses that may infringe on your mark. When we identify potential issues, we will provide you with a range of options which match your business strategy and approach.
Trademark Litigation
Sometimes a friendly phone call doesn't stop other businesses or individuals from damaging the value of your marks. When litigation is necessary, we use our experience and your goals to craft the path forward. Perhaps you have received a letter or notice of litigation? Let us help out to minimize risks to you and maximize future business opportunities. Our experience includes:
Cease-and-desist letters
Letters of protest
Opposition & cancellation proceedings
State court litigation
Federal litigation
Settlement agreements, including coexistence and licensing arrangements